Actions Proposed for Staff Scientists


On this page you will find possible solutions to the following question:

What types of staff scientist positions can be created to support a highly productive scientific enterprise?

The actions below have been proposed by the commenters on this website, ordered with the most recent on top.

Kate O’Connor-Giles: University of Wisconsin-Madison

Posted: June 12, 2015

Topic: Staff Scientists
To increase opportunities for biomedical scientists, the NIH could establish a supplement mechanism, similar to the Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research currently in place, for labs interested in creating a staff scientist position. By supplementing a portion of the staff scientist’s salary, this mechanism would make it financially feasible for labs to hire long-term scientific staff, reducing the dependence of the research enterprise on trainee labor.

1 comment

Suzanne Ponik et al.: University of Wisconsin–Madison

Posted: June 11, 2015

Topic: Staff Scientists
This group of 4 PhD’s proposes 4 specific actions to make academic staff scientist positions more attractive and stable, beginning with the suggestion to “Improve opportunities for promotion, recognition, and compensation increases for AS scientists and have transparent, clearly communicated, and campus-wide-consistent criteria for these. Also, establish a real research track series and make it possible for at least a subset of interested and qualified scientists (criteria to be established) to apply to enter or transfer into this series…”


Drew MacKellar: Harvard

Posted: May 6, 2015

Topic: Staff Scientists
Many of the people I have spoken to about the structure of the US Biomedical research structure have emphasized a role for staff scientists (and particularly in increasing their number as a portion of the workforce) in improving outcomes, and I agree with that assessment….The expanded use of permanent staff may need to be encouraged at first by funding agencies such as the NIH, but ultimately PIs may find their interests better served by a greater variety of levels of seniority among the members of their labs, too.


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