Actions Proposed for the Effects of Hypercompetition


On this page you will find possible solutions to the following question:

How might we ameliorate the harmful effects of the current hypercompetitive environment for research in the United States?

The actions below have been proposed by the commenters on this website, ordered with the most recent on top.

Christina D

Posted: June 30, 2015

Topic: Effects of Hypercompetition
‘Hypercompetition occurs because individual PIs compete for limited funds like little banana republics. This leads to hypercompetition among PIs and systemic abuse and exploitation of support personnel….”


Lorenzo Federico: MD Anderson Cancer Center

Posted: June 11, 2015

Topic: Effects of Hypercompetition
“I believe that the only way to eliminate a competitor is to turn him or her into a collaborator. The current system disproportionately rewards scientists according to the number of publications, “first name” articles, and paper’s impact factor. This approach kills collaboration at its root, while encouraging misconduct and unethical behavior. Funders should create policies that strongly reward scientists who adopt an open-science approach, promote data sharing and collaborations, and maintain well curated databases storing original data to be made available upon request. ….”


Vaibhav Pai: Tufts

Posted: May 29, 2015

Topic: Effects of Hypercompetition
It would be wiser to not focus too much on solving the harmful effects of hyper-competition but rather highly focus on solving the hyper-competition itself. Tackling the hyper-competition will automatically alleviate all the harmful effects that arise from hyper-competition.


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